Database Design
The information held by your business is key to your success. We will analyse and model your information in order to design a database that will best provide you with fast access to your information making your business more efficient and allowing you to use the information to your advantage.
Our aim is to provide the very best solution for your business, providing both for the present and for the future. We will analyse your problems, design to meet your requirements and build a database system that allow you to work more efficiently. We will provide the right solution; it will be flexible, maintainable and allow your business to evolve.
The costs involved with application and database design and development are are governed by the business requirements. If you require this service we strongly suggest arranging a consultation.
For more information, or to arrange consultation please contact us.
Our Skills - What we can do
Our in-house engineers are fully conversant in C, C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic, PERL, and PHP. For databse applications, we have experts in the deployment of MySQL, Microsoft Access, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server solutions.
We design databases that can be used for Internet applications via a web browser or in the confines of your office. We generally use one of the relational databases listed below.
SQL Server is a robust database server ideal for larger corporate database applications. Many businesses running Microsoft Small Business Server will have this tool available to them for running office applications, Intranet applications or even their own Internet web site.
This relational database tool included with Microsoft Office but can be delivered as a run-time application to your business. It is suitable for the small business where less then 20 staff are using the system at any one time.
This relational database is "open source", meaning that it can be used freely. It is best employed as a web based database in conjunction with Apache web servers. It is the database tool we use for our web-hosting packages.
Oracle, like SQL Server is a robust corporate database solution. It is primarily used by larger businesses whose budget will stretch to this flagship product.
Are you a talented local web developer looking to test your knowledge of PHP, mySQL, HTML and CSS in a commercial environment? If so see our web developer vacancies and get in touch, you could be the very person we are looking to add to our team..